Important directions to the first stage students

Important directions to the first stage students

 Dear students, in the first stage, please pay attention to the following


1- Registration in the attendance link at 9:00 in the morning.


2- Entering (Google Hangouts Meet) at 9:45 am.


3- The questions will be available at ten in the morning, God willing.


4- Putting an official copy of the university email in accordance with the Ministry's directives for students. As for the female students, if it is not possible to put the official picture, then the college logo is placed.


5- The student who does not attend or is not in the group is dead, is removed from the classroom.


6- Your presence on (Google Hangouts Meet) guarantees direct communication with the examination committee to avoid any defect that occurs.


7- The exam time is three hours.


Our college did its best to overcome difficulties and make the exams a success. Our prayers to you for safety and success.


Media College of Computer Science and Information Technology

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