Visit of the President of Anbar University

Visit of the President of Anbar University

 Our college was honored by the visit of the university respected president and the deputy president for scientific affairs. A meeting with the academic staff of our college was held, all the affairs regarding our college were discussed, many positive and negative matters were raised while focusing on the positive issues and to overcome whatever negativities . he respectedly submitted his valuable opinions and comments about all the discussed issues transparently while keeping in mind his scientific responsibilities as always. the academic staff vouch to accomplish all requested issues to reach the desired objectives that certify the college outcomes to be suitable with the university inveterate. the deputy president for scientific affairs also participated with his valuable interventions during the discussion. the meeting was attended by Al Qaeem education college dean. the meeting were also attended by heads of the higher studies departments, the student registration office, the student affairs, the scientific affairs departments and the university presidency of studies and planning.




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