First quarter results

First quarter results

Deanship of the Faculty of Computer is pleased to announce that for the first semester students for the academic year 2014-2015 results. And wished everyone continued success in this world and the hereafter.
Results objections
Dear to all our students
After perusing the objection to the results of the first round-the first course of the academic year 2014-2015 applications show that all objections identical except for the following cases: -
1. We haven Abdul Razak third-computers matinee acceptable in mobile systems science rather than weak
2. Anmar Mohammed Maaov third the average information systems in project management rather than weak
3. Mohammed Khaled Raad third acceptable information systems in computer networks rather than weak and successful resolution in the visual programming rather than weak
4. Let Fakhri Khader fourth franchise information systems in research methodology rather than weak
5. allow Hossam fourth Information systems security is very good in the data rather than weak
6. Abdullah II Adham Computer Science-evening acceptable in advanced mathematics rather than weak and successful resolution in Alekianah programming instead of the weak

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