Visit of the University of Anbar Health Center

Visit of the University of Anbar Health Center

 According to the instructions of the University Presidency in the University of Anbar, with the cooperation Al- Anbar Health Institution  to take good care of the University of Anbar members’ and students’  health, the cadre in the University of Anbar Health Center, followed up on by the Faculty Board in the college of Education for Humanities, has visited the scientific departments in the college this Monday, February 21, 2022. The visiting delegation was greeted by the Dean of the college: Assist. Prof. Taha Ibrahim Shabeeb (Ph. D) who expressed his gratitude to the continuing efforts of the University of Anbar Health Center  to preserve the safety of the members of both the college and the University of Anbar from coronavirus by keeping the continuing cooperation between Health Center in the university and the health coordinator in the college. It is essential to note that the purpose of this visit was to stress the importance of the vaccine of covid19 and that the vaccine was given to all the first year students .Accordingly, during the visit, the first dose of the vaccine was given to those who had not taken the vaccine, and those who had already taken the first dose of the vaccine were given the second dose. At the conclusion of the visit, the cadre of Health Center at the university expressed their gratitude for the cooperation of the Faculty board in the College of Education for Humanities and their commitment to hygiene which result in achieving the goals of the health center appropriately, and hence,  the accomplishment of the public interest to our long standing college, and our great country.
Media Offivce in the College of Education for Humanitites

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