Outstanding High School Students for Boys

Outstanding High School Students for Boys

The College of Education for Humanities - University of Anbar received outstanding high school students for boys


The College of Education for Humanities, represented by its Dean, Prof. Dr. Taha Ibraheem Shabeeb and its Dean Assistant for Student Affairs received Outstanding High Students for Boys accompanied with their teachers on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. They visited English Department Multimedia Laboratory, the college library, student cafeteria and college corridors. During a speech to the students, the Dean stressed that he encouraged them to continue to excel, which in turn leads to their enrollment in the top colleges. That this segment is the nucleus of the future and the shield of the fortified nation. On the sidelines of the visit, Prof. Dr. Imad H. Samir, a lecture to students by showed them video audio materials, and he explained the mechanisms for developing the language skills of the students. At the end of the visit, the High School Administration of Outstanding Students extended its thanks to the Dean and to all the employees of the college for the warm reception.

  College of Education for Humanities Media

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