Vision, mission, goals / branch of pediatrics

 Vision :

  To afforest the concepts of pediatrics and how to deal with children to help for reaching the definitive diagnosis and proper treatment of childhood diseases.

Mission :

  Participation of the department in all medical symposia and conferences that aims for solving of pediatric medical problems and conditions, and studying their protective mechanisms, and spreading the concepts of child health care in the population through the application of primary health care measures in all health centers of the governorate.


1-      Graduation of a qualified efficient medical students with efficient abilities for solving pediatric problems and protecting children from development of these conditions.

2-      Attaining a maximum level for diagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases with the least cost and the right drugs.

3-      Enhancing of different scientific researching on the department, the college and the university levels.

4-      Enhancement of collaborative actions between the college and the governorate general health administration for reaching a maximum benefits and care for children.

5-      Graduation of an efficient postgraduate specialties in pediatrics carrying the name of the college were they gained their certificates.

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