Vision, mission, goals / branch of chemistry and biochemistry


the branch wants to be the first between the other branches in the training of students, and providing all of requirement for scientific researches for teachers and the participation in the training of postgraduate students

- Mission -

 the letter of the branch is a part of faculty letter, ,which includes the illustration of chemistry for students in each specialty organic ,inorganic   analytical, and biochemistry to be a physician's able to providing the healthy requirements for a person and population

- Goals -

1-reaching the importance of chemistry for undergraduate students

2-illustration of practical experiments importance for students and apply these experiments practically

3-achievment of seminars by periodic contieous manner

3-the participation in the scientific symposium inside the faculty or other faculty inside or outside the university

4-Applying the continuous teaching system for all of branch teachers, coordinating with other branches

Getting of Ph.D. and M.Sc. and post doctorate

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