The second scientific workshop at the College of Medicine

The second scientific workshop at the College of Medicine

 The second scientific workshop at the College of Medicine

Under the patronage of the distinguished President of the University, and within the framework of investing in the energies of the scholarship students, and in order to stimulate the research movement in the university’s faculties, the second scientific workshop was held today in the Faculty of Medicine.
The workshop was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Dr. Walid Nassar Jaffal, who presented the workshop:
Prof. Dr. Raed Muhammad Suhail
Prof. Ahmed Khalaf Sufi
Prof. Dr. Amer Jamil Sharif
It included the following topics:
1. Mechanism of writing scientific research
2. Publishing in magazines
3. ?Detecting discreet magazines in Scoops and Clarvit containers
The attendees interacted with the workshop through inquiries and interventions that were answered by the lecturers.  

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