Local experience in the construction of small dams

The director of our research center supervised the engineering supervision teams on four small dams in the Western Desert. Three of them were completed and are now storing millions of cubic meters of rainwater; The fourth dam (dam of the Mesad valley) near the city of Rutba has been suspended since the beginning of military operations in 2013.

Our research center added the concept of optimum depth design for small multi-purpose dams. The small dams established for the harvesting of rainwater in the Western desert were of local design, implementation and local supervision. Also, construction materials are mostly local.

This is why our research center has set up a symposium to explain to decision makers the great and important capabilities of our specialized academic staff as well as local contracting companies in the design and implementation of successful small dams that store millions of cubic meters of flood water.

It also explains the creativity of our research center by introducing the concept of the optimum depth of the small multi-purpose dams.


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