Status of dust storms for Monday, 29/4/2024


Status of dust storms for Monday, 29/4/2024

Climate experts at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - University of Anbar, announced the exposure of specific areas of Iraq to the impact of dust storms and according to the following timings:

12 p:m - Karbala province and east of Kufa are exposed to a dust storm as a result of the increase in wind speed in the region, and in an easterly to south-easterly direction, with a speed of 45-55 km / h, as a result of which the visibility level decreases by 2-3 m, and the impact of this storm reaches the areas east of Al-Nukhayb and Rutba.

3 P:M – The impact of the dust storm increases to cover Kufa, Karbala and the south-eastern regions of Anbar and extends from Rutba towards the residential complex in Akashat and Al-Waleed, with wind speeds of 55-60 km / h.

6P:M – The impact of the dust storm is shrinking in the south, while in Anbar, its impact reaches Habbaniya, Ramadi, northern Habbariya and Kasrah, and its impact gradually recedes from Rutba and Al-Waleed district.


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