Master's thesis on adding vitamin D3 and oyster shell to laying hens

Master's thesis on adding vitamin D3 and oyster shell to laying hens

Tuesday 26. July/ 2022

The presence of Prof. Dr. Muthanna Muhammad Awad, Vice-President for Scientific Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Idham Ali Abed Dean of College of Agriculture. College of Agriculture - University of Anbar discussed this morning Master thesis entitled Effect of adding vitamin D3 and different sizes of oyster shell as a source of calcium to laying hens diets on physiological and productive traits under heat stress conditions

MSc. student Ammar Mohammed Rashed The discussion committee consisted of:

Prof. Dr. Fadel Rasoul Abbas / College of Agriculture - Al-Qasim Green University / chief of the committee - External examiner.

Prof. Dr. Dhafer Thabet Mohammed  / College of Agriculture - University of Anbar / Member

Assist Prof. Dr. Mohamed Alaa Attia Arabi  / College of Agriculture - University of Anbar / Member

Prof. Dr. Adel Abdullah Yousif / College of Agriculture - University of Anbar / member and supervisor.

The study aimed studying the role of vitamin D3 and sizes of oyster shells in providing the necessary calcium for laying hen for the manufacture of eggshell throughout the hours of the day and its effect on the quality of the shell and bone health.

Author recommendations the study adding oyster shells to the diet of laying hen with a size of (3-5) mm by 50% of the source of calcium plus vitamin D3 at a concentration of 8000 IU per kilogram maintains the health of the skeleton of laying hen and egg production with a good shell

After extensive discussion by the committee members, the letter was accepted after making the minor corrections recommended by the discussion committee... Blessing for discussion committee, student and the supervisor.

Media section / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar







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