Workshop entitled "Oiled Perfumes and Their Uses"

Workshop entitled "Oiled Perfumes and Their Uses"

 Tuesday 21May, 2020

9:30 p.m.

Under the Auspice of Prof. Idham Ali Abd, the dean of Agriculture college, the committee of electronic education in cooperation with the department of field crops held a workshop entitled (Oiled Perfumes and Their Uses) using Google Hangouts Meet presented by Assist. Prof. Ahmed Abdual Wahid Maree:

*The instructor stated that the aim of this workshop is the explanation of the importance of the oiled perfumes? their components, their different uses and characteristics.

* He insisted on describing the oiled perfumes as minor natural productions and could be used as alternative for their being nature friend

* The recommendations of the workshop to shed light on oiled perfumes that could be taken from plants and use modern techniques in addition to start producing and marking them to support the local markets with national production.

College of Agriculture Media / University of Anbar

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