Treatment of Inactive ovaries in dairy cows

Treatment of Inactive ovaries in dairy cows

(Assistant Professor )Khalid Dfeek Ahmed

Department of General Sciences

College of Basic Education Haditha - University of Anbar

The study was conducted on 96 Holstein- Friesian cows presented in al-fayha station– Babylon, Iraq suffering from in active ovaries. The age of animals ranged from 4-8 years. The study was designed to show the effect of different methods for treatment of inactive ovaries in dairy cows. The animals were divided into four equal groups (no.=24). The first Group were treated with 3000 I.u. eCG i.m. The second Group were treated with 0.5 mg GnRH i.m.. The third Group were administered showed manual massage to ovaries and uterus once weekly per rectum for three times. The fourth group were artificially inseminated post treatment after signs of oestrus appeared on the animals. Responses to different treatment was 83.3%, 50%, 58.3% and 8.3% respectively. It was concluded from this study that treated with eCG and massage of ovaries was effective methods for treatment of inactive ovaries in dairy cows

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