The council of the college of basic educations /Haditha helds it’s 5th regular session

The council of the college of basic educations /Haditha helds it’s 5th regular session

The council of the college of basic educations / haditha helds it’s 5th regular session on Wednesday, Feb 19 ,2020 . The council which headed by the respected Dean and the honorable council members have hosted health officials , manager of health care and representative of Haditha General Hospital . The discussion have done with the visitors officials about the positive co operation with the college and it’s scientific department from one side and the health offices on the other side, through organize cultural seminars , workshops , deliver lectures by teachers specializing in life sciences and activation of scientific lab’s work concerning the department of general sciences and it’s work and  students’ impact on it .  

        After the end of the meeting with the guests , the council resumed it’s regular work by discussing it’s agenda including The University chancellor’s recommendations , and opinion board’s statement concerning the raising of scientific, intellectual level of the college in all fields .




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