Colleges of Engineering and Medicine conducted the competitive exam


Colleges of Engineering and Medicine conducted the competitive exam

Today, Sunday, the twentieth of June, the Colleges of Engineering and Medicine at the University of Anbar conducted the competitive examination for postgraduate studies applicants (master and doctoral) for the academic year 2021/2022 in the halls of the central computer laboratories in the two colleges. During a field tour, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Saleh Al-Nada visited the halls and laboratories designated for the competitive examination in the two colleges, inspecting the progress of the examination process. His presidency was accompanied by Prof. Muthanna Muhammad Awwad, president assistant for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Muhammad Qais Abd, Director of the Department of Graduate Studies and Asst. Prof. Dr. Essam Taha Yassin, Director of the Computer Center. His presidency had an idea about the atmosphere of the exam, advance preparations and ways to ensure its success, as well as the nature and level of the questions. His presidency thanked deanships in the two colleges for their efforts in terms of pre-examination preparation and the level of organization and arrangement according to the instructions of the University Presidency. His presidency stressed that students are to fully comply with the instructions of the crisis cell to avoid infection with the Corona virus for their safety and the safety of others, wishing them success in their scientific career.

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