The importance of strategic studies centers in the decision-making process in Iraq
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The importance of strategic studies centers in the decision-making process in Iraq

Dr.Falah Mubarak Bardan

Center for Strategic Studies/ University of Anbar


Research centers and strategic studies are one of the indicators of the development of civilized nations and through which they can measure their level of civilization and knowledge, because of the services these centers provide and the great goals they contain, which is to provide advice and advice to the decision-maker of all kinds, whether it is a political, economic or security decision ... etc.

The nature of this era, which is characterized by rapid movement and the accompanying speed in fluctuations and developments, and its crowding with internal and external variables that exercise a pressure role on the decision-maker to adapt quickly to these changes and developments To take a decision devoid of the emotions that overwhelm the decision maker as a human being in the end, and thus carries within him feelings and emotions that may negatively or positively affect the nature of the decision taken.

The foregoing strongly calls for countries to leave the personalization of the political decision and liberate it from personal influences and emotions in order to make and take decisions and perhaps formulate effective strategies that are in harmony with reality and interact with the environment they are targeting with all that the concept of the environment implies from a wide awareness of all internal and external variables.

There is no way to achieve objectivity and science in decision-making without the presence of scientific institutions that include experts and researchers who are entrusted with the thought industry under the name of strategic thinking centers or research centers and strategic studies.

Accordingly, we believe that Iraq, as a pivotal country, surrounded by a complex regional and international environment, is exposed to many and varied threats, with the environment containing opportunities that need to be seized quickly. This cannot happen without government attention to research centers and strategic studies to be linked to decision makers through positive interaction with the outputs of these centers And the publications, bulletins, or seminars it issues, And that these scientific-research products do not remain confined to shelves and galaxies because they are a scientific translation of the efforts of researchers and experts in various fields that can provide alternatives for decision-makers from which the most appropriate can be chosen.