Strategic study No. (5) on the Corona pandemic and its repercussions from the legal, social and psychological perspective


Under the direct supervision of the President of the University of Anbar, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Saleh Al-Nada, the fifth study in a series of five strategic COVID-19 studies was completed. This fifth study came under the title (The Corona pandemic and its repercussions from the legal, social and psychological perspective in Iraqi society (theoretical study). Analytical) The study was completed by the specialized research team consisting of:


Prof. Dr. Mohamed Sami Farhan


prof. Dr. Moath Ahmed Hussein


Asst. Prof. Dr. Jumaa Ibrahim Hussein


Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ali Fadam


Asst. Prof. Dr. Dahir Faisal Al-Issawi


Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Obaid Al Kubaisi dr. Safi Ammal for Saleh Al-Dulaimi


This study was prepared because the spread of epidemics is a topic that concerns all segments of society, including scientists, judges, doctors and others, the most important of which are doctors because of their direct contact with people with infectious diseases, as well as jurists because they frequently ask about rulings and issues in worship and felony matters that pertain to people with infectious diseases.