International Women's Day: Feats and Pride
International Women's Day: Feats and Pride

                                                                                                 International Women's Day: Feats and Pride

By / Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Khudair Al-Shamari

University of Anbar/ Centre of Strategic studies



Every year on this day, we have a sombre opportunity to honour the accomplishments and acts of women. This cute creature, entitled "the microcosm," accurately describes "the woman," and what she does is comparable to a complete universe. She has been the driving force behind ambition to pursue every benefit and virtue. Madam "woman," you are the one who gave up on agency and illusion and trusted others to teach her how to conquer vice after vice in order to attain the pinnacle of perfection and accomplish the impossibly difficult. Furthermore, I believe it is an honour for you to be the one who brought humanity into existence, thus the term "female" should not be a mark of shame or a curse for the most liberated minds. You are the only one who can truly express what Al-Mutanabi  said:

“I would prefer women to males if they were as we know them to be/ What is not a proud memory of the Crescent Moon, and what is wrong with feminizing the name of the sun?”.

Women give and accomplish so much in this world, yet their rights are still taken away from them and they fall victim to a horrible and unfair trap. Additionally, we've started taking it lightly, and we are certain that underestimating is where the slippage occurs. Slipping is the easiest way to destroy the intellect and the Pear of knowledge. Our Islamic religion was the race to redress women from injustice and injustice during the first ignorance, when it was a commodity to be sold and bought. And since we are - at least - still in the realm of choice, we must defend it and leave what is in it. "Take good advice to women" was the last of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commandments to his nation. Why not? They lay the foundation for communities, and when the youth emerges from their care, they have instilled in them good morals and habits through a healthy food, a strong sense of brotherhood. These gatherings must serve as a platform for investigating charters and vows to lift women out of marginalization and convert their position into actual laws and behaviours in society, rather than just as a place to rest or a source of inspiration.

The event provides a forum for educating the public and the community and a means of exerting pressure on the political administrations—particularly the ones that are often disregarded—to find solutions to these grave problems. In particular, those concerning violence against women. Those in charge should move quickly to devise strategic strategies to stop women from being the victims of systemic violence, which has expanded throughout society to the point of alarm and fear, as the numbers and statistics demand fear and intimidation.