تقنية القياسات الحيوية الهجينة المقترحة لتمييز الأنماط

تقنية القياسات الحيوية الهجينة المقترحة لتمييز الأنماط


A Proposed Hybrid Biometric Technique for Patterns Distinguishing



College of Computer Science and Information Technology

University of Anbar

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In recent security systems, biometric pattern recognition developed as a major research area. It is of high importance in the process of authentication regarding virtual reality as well as real world entities for the purpose of allowing the system to create an informed decision regarding offering specialized services or allowing access privileges. Recently, the field of security has been a major focus area. The requirement for accurate authentication related to individuals is considered as a main issue in the security field. Old-style approaches of setting up the identity of individual including identification cards, passwords and keys, however, these ways for representing the identity could be easily stolen, lost, manipulated or shared, thus causing security damage. Biometrics traits including voice/face verification, signatures and fingerprints offer a trustworthy choice for identifying or verifying identities and better user acceptability rate. There are two major classes used to represent biometric characteristics; the first is Physiological type that is associated to the body shape such as iris and face recognition, and fingerprints, the other is the behavioural type that is associated to the individual's behaviour such as voice, signature and gait.



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Keywords: artificial neural network, automated teller machine, singular value decomposition


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