Mushroom production in the laboratories of the Center of Desert Studies
Mushroom production in the laboratories of the Center of Desert Studies

The nutritious mushroom "Agaricus" was cultivated and produced by the researchers of the Center of Desert Studies, this species represents more than 35% of the global production of mushroom for its high nutritional value. It contains 3.09 grams of protein and 0.34 lipids per 100 grams. In addition it has 1.98 grams of sugar and many other nutrients like potassium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium and zinc. Plus many vitamins C, B2, B3, B6, D giving the body healthy proteins and lipids that are low in cholesterol, which is good for the heart and arteries.


The production process was carried out under the conditions of an air-conditioned and sterilized environment that is controlled automatically, which requires special requirements in all agricultural inputs and production.

The center can possibly hold training courses under the supervision of specialists in the production of nutritional mushrooms.