Vision, Mission and Objectives

Physics Department Objectives

The physics department aims to:

1- Working to raise the level of scientific research, linking it to teaching, and the needs of the local environment and the regional and international environment.

2- The department aims to graduate scientific cadres to serve the community by graduating physics teachers for secondary schools.

3- The department aims to graduate advanced scientific cadres with a master's degree who serve society through their work in the field of research and development and work in scientific and industrial establishments.

4- Contribute to meeting the needs of our dear country of specialists in physics and its applications.

5- Keeping pace with the continuous development of the scientific department’s plan, taking into consideration the most important needs of the local, regional and international markets.

6- The ability to work individually or collaboratively in organized and continuous groups with the community to solve all problems related to physics.

7- Providing the graduates with the correct foundations and contemporary knowledge in physics.

Vision and Mission of the Department of Physics 


The Department of Physics in the College of Education for Pure Sciences seeks to develop the field of scientific research in this scientific department in order to reach the advanced scientific development in the world, as well as for the development of academic programs and academic courses and the real contribution to solving all problems faced by the local, regional and international community through innovative and applied scientific research In various fields, including industrial and environmental, and the department's vision is to fully fulfill the department's responsibility towards society in all fields


 Preparing and graduating trained and qualified manpower in the field of physics in order to meet the needs of the local, regional and international markets, as well as to carry out applied scientific research and pay attention to it, in order to develop and advance the local community in physics and its applications. The department also seeks to create an appropriate scientific and academic environment in order to provide students with knowledge And the skills necessary to support society with specialized competencies in physics and advanced scientific research, as well as developing their scientific and practical capabilities and using them in aspects of life and finding appropriate scientific and practical solutions to them.

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