Controls of commitment to the university uniform

Controls of commitment to the university uniform

 The College of Education for Pure Sciences confirms the need to obey to the university uniform

The uniform

One type of clothing of uniform colors that covers the bodies of a class of people. And every sector of society has its own dress that they brag about and that distinguishes them from other groups of society, for each age stage has its own dress, as for each gender, and there are special outfits for each profession and position as well as for each social, economic, political, religious and even cultural and scientific role.

                                                  Advantages of wearing a uniform

1- A sense of university affiliation (the identity of the university student)

2-Self-respect and respect for others.

3- Achieving equality between students in terms of appearance

4- Save time and effort in searching for bright clothes

5- Saving money: that is spent on models, and diversity in acquisition

Disadvantages of not wearing the university uniform

1- The university environment is transformed into fashion show theatres.

2- The feeling of poor students of injustice and injustice.

3- The rich students' preoccupation with showing off through the acquisition of diversity and models.

4- Stimulating and activating sexual impulses.

5- The student's thinking is distracted from monitoring cognitive stimuli.


Directives of the College of Education for Pure Sciences regarding the university uniform

 According to  the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and in several official letters issued by the ministry regarding commitment to the university uniform and decency in faculties and based on the recommendations of the distinguished university council in this regard, the college council emphasized the issue of student uniform as a civilized aspect that would preserve the privacy and distinction of the campus A decision was reached to oblige students to wear the uniform, as follows:

1-The colors of the uniform (for a shirt, pants, robe, and jacket) are as follows: white, blue, black, and gray. And the colors of the headscarf (shawl) for female students: white, black, and gray.

2- The girls’ dress involves the skirt and the shirt or the robe, and it is not permitted to wear dresses.

3- Observing decency, public taste, societal norms, and university custom in dress, prohibiting the wearing of accessories for both sexes, and prohibiting the wearing of blatant make-up.

4- It is not allowed to have inscriptions or inscriptions on students' uniforms for both genders.

5- Authorizing the deanships of the colleges to deal with cases of uniforms and follow-up..


   Uniform instructions applied in our college


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