Mission,Vision and Obj


Pioneering in civil engineering sciences, their applications and modern technologies to serve the local and global communities, seeking development and improvement in high-quality outcomes.


Providing high-quality educational programs by combing science and engineering principles with technical, innovative, and communication skills, and conducting educational and professional programs and applied research that investigates sustainable solution for local and global community problems.


1.      To develop the ability of the staff members in such a way that train and qualify them to become leaders in the business and labour market to serve the whole society. This can be done through achieving different Engineering projects and developing new practical and theoretical research that significantly enhance the future development of the country. 

2.      To qualify engineers who are able to seriously take the entire responsibility in the field, by providing students with the required learning and training courses and widen their knowledge with the fundamental Engineering disciplines. 

3.      Teaching the student, the professional ethics in order to avoid corruption and deviation behavior that are definitely not convenient with the profession.

4.      Developing the academic career and qualifying new academic staff in all departments of the college.

5.      Developing novel scientific research which mainly contribute to solve different problems that face the society in general.

6.      Undertaking an engineering consultancy throughout the Engineering Consultancy Bureau to meet the essential requirements of the community and develop the country's infrastructures.




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