Production the Shoot Crete Concrete in our Lab

Production the Shoot Crete Concrete in our Lab


Engineer (Amer M. Anad) /A master's student / the Department of Civil Engineering / College of Engineering / university of Anbar with his supervisors ( Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir I. Al-Hadithi and Assistant Prof.Dr. Yusef A. Mansour) was able to manufacture a device to shoot concrete  for  7 m.


This device is considered important to complete the requirements of the master's study, which is concerned with studying the properties of this type of concrete (Shoot Crete Concrete). It’s very importance in constructing structures below the ground level such as tunnels and the construction of quick-build concrete structures, and this type of concrete is used in the repair of damaged concrete structures. This achievement is technical challenge that was owned only by foreign companies with gigantic capabilities, and the highness of the scientific level of Iraqi universities.

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