Postgraduate Studies


Postgraduate   education  is important. It is known as an essential component in getting a professional status in different fields. Postgraduate study in Islamic Sciences college is one of its pillars that improve the career prospect for College of   Anbar university and other universities. Postgraduate education has graduated generations of high skills of postgraduates in Shariah and other different fields.


Postgraduate study in Islamic Sciences College started in 2010-2011. It involved one section which is Fiqih and its Foundations  department. It offered master degree for eight male and two female. In 2013-2014 postgraduate study involved  another section which was Foundations of religion.  Foundations of religion cos three departments :

1.     Hadith and its sciences department.

2.     Tafseer and Quran Sciences.

3.     Aqidah,  Thoughts and Dawa.

 In 20 17-2018, the college started to offer doctorial  degree. It offered master and doctoral degree for 15 students.

Terms and Conditions:

All students will be required to abide by the Ministry of Higher Education regulations. Requirements to apply online:

Full name and surname

E-mail and mobile number


Date and place of birth

Identity cards
Application channel

Graduation Documents which contains the average (number and writing). The employee  cannot apply for postgraduate study unless he  has no   objection paper from his office then give him a study leave.   



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