Iraq Virtual Science Library - IVSL

The central Library is pleased to announce the relaunch of the Iraq Virtual Science Library – IVSL.

The Iraq Virtual Science Library - IVSL provides free, full-text access to thousands of scientific journals to which the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is subscribing to from major publishers as well as a large collection of on-line educational materials. IVSL is powered by the discovery system LibHub provided by SemperTool, a company specialized in building digital library products.


The Home Page of Iraqi Virtual Scientific Library – IVSL

Guide to working on the library

Examples of misuse

Downloading full text articles and emailing them to friends outside the institution Emailing copies of downloaded articles to people outside Iraq. Allowing people from commercial companies using library facilities to access resources Downloading or printing out entire electronic journals and making copies Including large parts of articles to be reproduced in student workbook material Allowing unauthorized (unregistered) persons to use your ID and password Any attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the service User-names and passwords are issued only to individuals at participating institutions. Eligibility is determined by a designated administrator at each institution. User-names and passwords must be kept secure and not shared with other users. Passwords must be changed every 120 days in order to maintain the security of the system. In order to ensure the continuity of the program, it is vital to ensure that there are no violations of the license agreements that will be completed by participating institutions and publishers. Publishers are constantly monitoring the use of their databases, and violations of terms for usage and illegal activity can be easily detected. For this reason the heads/senior managers of applicant institutions will be required to complete an institutional agreement with the HEC, confirming their compliance with the Terms and Conditions of license agreements

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