About the department

The Department of Business Administration is one of the important scientific departments, which enjoys the acceptance and needs of the labor market, whether in the public sector or the private sector locally, Arably and globally, as it aims to prepare scientific cadres specialized in business management for these sectors. The department includes studies (morning and evening), which It will work to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of student outcomes in line with the needs of the labor market through contemporary programs that are in line with the development taking place in the environment.
Section goals
1- Cognitive and behavioral preparation of scientific cadres specialized in administrative sciences that support the various institutions to carry out their roles professionally.
2- Communication and scientific and knowledge interaction with academic institutions and related organizations, in order to maintain the scientific and academic level in the field of specialization.
3- Establishing various training and development courses and programs and improving the level of administrative performance in its various aspects and upgrading it to excellence.
4- Carrying out theoretical and applied research and studies to develop the field of knowledge to which it belongs, as well as making the field of this research institutions and organizations of all kinds and the nature of their work and activities with the aim of developing, enriching and developing the intellectual and field aspect of this science and standing on the problems of these institutions.
5- Spreading the contents, behaviors and practices of the values ​​of good management and good governance, as well as diagnosing and combating administrative corruption in order to create leadership, creativity and a spirit of belonging to institutions of all kinds.

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