Illuminations of poetry and poets in the tongue of Arabs

Illuminations of poetry and poets in the tongue of Arabs

 M.M. Salahuddin Abdul Khalaf

Anbar University

      Since the launch of research and studies, we have not fulfilled what is in it, which is extremely difficult and complicated, because it is the past, present and future, and it is one of the widest, longest and most comprehensive Arabic dictionaries . But I liked to knock on part of his doors in his poetic material, so that it might benefit researchers.

Light up about the perspective son...

       He is one of the holders of the ZAD, the master of language and Literature, named Jamal al-Din Abu al-Fadl Muhammad ibn Makram ibn Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Thabit Al-Ansari, Egyptian by birth, known as Ibn Manzoor relative to his seventh grandfather . He was born in Egypt in 630 ah and served in the construction bureau, and was apprenticed to Ibn al-muqayyar, Murtaza Ibn Hatem and Abdul Rahim Ibn al-Tufail .

       The son of the perspective of one of the scientists who made their Dark Age an era of steadfastness, stability and documentation of the civilization of the nation, in terms of the psychological, social and creative climate, the period during which the Arab mind withstood the Mongol invaders and other invading peoples thirsting for blood and destruction, and continued to do in the conscience of the Arab nation, turned towards the ancestors and their psychological humanity, its senses and inclinations ... His achievements and works were of a different kind, including creativity and creation in what he accomplished from the heritage, it was blessed with fertility and abundant virtues, the least of which is preserving the integrity of the heritage of Arabia and enriching it and passing it on to subsequent generations as the best food for souls and confetti slices . 

First light on the lexicon of the Arabic tongue :

        The lexicon is about eight thousand pages of large pieces , not to mention that it is a linguistic dictionary in which the origins of meanings and the roots of speech , and its old reference live from it , and in which the diversity of explanations , digressions leading to news and anecdotes formulated sometimes in prose , sometimes in poetry , and in which a lot of benefit and influence , because of its close connection with the heart of heritage , highlighting its advantages and making it adapt to our present time , in which there are many calls to reject the heritage and look at it lightly and doubtfully, and to prepare a civilization talda, she no longer has Shan or interest . We tell those who doubt this cultural heritage, which was the pride of the Arab nation, that its generosity with this tongue is the tongue of the Holy Quran, and we tell them that the amazing thing in this lexicon is that the number of poets cited has reached a high number, about one thousand and two hundred poets, the number of their poems ranged from one house to almost a thousand .

Illuminations of poetry in the tongue of Arabs :

        The tongue of Arabia includes the largest collection of poetry contained in the Arabic language dictionaries, amounting to almost thirty-two thousand verses of poetry . Of these twenty-one thousand, Ibn Manzoor indicated the names of their owners, and eleven thousand omitted to mention the names .

       It turned out that Ibn Manzoor did not bother to verify the identity of the poets while listing his testimonies, so he mentions the witness and mentions two or more names to him, leaving the reader to bother checking alone, although he is better able than others to know the owners of the witnesses, and he is the one who has looked at most sources of poetry, and classified hundreds of literary and linguistic books . The poetic verses mentioned by the authors ranged from Jahli, makhdarm, Islamic and Amoy, and a small percentage of the Abbasid presentation ...In a better calculation, and through the three hundred poets mentioned by Ibn Manzoor and according to their literary eras, the percentage of chronological affiliation came as follows :

40% ignorant 10% veteran 15% Islamic 30% Umayyad 5% Abbasi

      Some writers and researchers, with the exception of the Abbasid era, consider that the sources of the Arabic language and its roots date back to one era, that is, to the pre-Islamic and Islamic eras, and that this language, despite the scramble of the Eras, remained connected with its past and its pre-Islamic and Islamic roots, a far-reaching link, which made Grammarians, linguists and authors, do not pay much attention to the great amount that the language acquired in the Abbasid eras, where the transfer, translation, quotation and the prevalence of it has reached the limit of export and lighting for all nations and peoples Contemporary to them then . The foregoing means, among other things, the ability of language to combine originality in its historical sense, and development in its assimilative sense . In other words, the emerging conflicts between eras and eras were forms of living and methods of expression, as well as political, populist and intellectual-religious conflicts, in respect of which the language remained immune from the lichens and movements that our present time witnesses from time to time . This is about poetry, the ratio of its belonging to eras .

 Illuminations of poetic value in the tongue of Arabs...

        The most prominent of the poetic material presented in (the tongue of the Arabs ) by this huge crowd of poets, whose number reached about one thousand and two hundred poets, are affiliated – as the statistics showed to the pre – Islamic and Islamic eras, which is evidence of the literary chant-a mostly oral chant, based on the intuition or poetic smoothness that makes the spoken speech something harmonious, systematic, if not poetry, then rhymed prose . The great and great role that Ibn Manzoor played in his book comes down to several things :.

Firstly, the great role that poetry played in explaining the grammatical and morphological rules and the ancient cultural landmarks of the Arab tribes, their rituals, names and pronunciation .

Secondly, the poetry of some obscure poets, or even well – known poets, is found only in(the tongue of the Arabs), like most ancient poetic sources-such as poetry, poets, preferences, non-associations, the audience of Arab poems and songs, and others .

Thirdly, there are a large number of verses of poetry written by men who are not poets, or rather, who held positions and were distinguished by advantages other than the merit of poetry, headed by Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, to whom Ibn Manzoor wrote more than twenty houses, followed by the rest of the caliphs and some of the noble companions, and some of the women of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Fourth: Ibn Manzoor's method of giving evidence, its good and bad . Ibn Manzoor's method is based on understanding the contents of the five dictionaries and recording them accurately .

Fifth: the exact narration in mentioning the verses and preserving the origin of its narration . As a single house revenue for more than one poet.

Sixth: investigate the different meanings and faces of one thing, even if it is a repetition, such as mentioning different sayings in it or witnessing different manifestations .

Seventh: mentioning poetic verses in a temperamental, disorganized way , such as one verse and two verses, and passages that include a few fragments, and sometimes one witness includes an entire poem exceeding twenty or thirty verses, with no restriction on mentioning the owners of the witnesses .

VIII / his affirmation of the poet's belonging to his ERA with an explanation of the circumstance and occasion, often justifying his name .

Ninth: the spirit of piety and piety is evident in everything he says, especially with regard to companions and guardians, as he did not mention any of them except mentioning the phrase ( may Allah be pleased with him ) .

X / there are dozens, even hundreds of parties and strange tales, all immortalized by Ibn Manzoor in his book .

         The other thing that must be mentioned is prose and its various evidences, and its attribution to poetic evidences, the researchers have reached approximate ratios, namely :-

12% reading verses, 15% prophetic hadiths , 20% various prose witnesses, 53% poetic witnesses

         Perhaps this statistic shows more clearly what poetry was of importance and danger in the crystallization of Arabic words: composition, clarification and explanations of the ambiguities of their meanings and multiple uses as it turned out from the above statistic that pre-Islamic poetry occupied half of the number or more, and the second half was occupied by Islamic poetry, as most of the prose evidence of 20% were hadiths of the Companions of the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or his companions .     

      All this confirms the value of poetry in the lexicon of the tongue of Arabs, and its virtue in revealing many talents and multiple poetic advantages in our literary heritage .






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