Publish a scientific article in Scopus index


Publish a scientific article in Scopus index

Khalid W. Abed, researcher at the Renewable Energy Research Center - University of Anbar, published a scientific article with a researcher in an international journal Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science” has Scopus index titled:

“High performance of solar panel based on new cooling and cleaning technique”

This study focus about design and an experimental study shrewd customized cleaning and cooling system for photo-voltaic (PV) modules installed in Ramadi, Iraq. Which is started dependent on low essentialness coming about due to dust accumulating and high temperature conditions. This was attempted by presenting two indistinct photovoltaic modules close to one another. The fundamental unit was equipped with a model of the cleaning structure while the resulting unit was seen as standard. An upgraded cleaning and cooling methodology are gotten with the data acquiring structure. An expansion in vitality profitability of 12.4% was acquired because of lessening the operational aggravations of residue amassing and warming of the board surface. The automatic cleaning mechanism used in the system reduces human stress by washing the PV panel with low energy use.

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