Discussion of doctoral student (Muhammad Jassim Muhammad)

Discussion of doctoral student (Muhammad Jassim Muhammad)

 PhD thesis was discussed at University of Anbar - College of Science and tagged((Investigation of volatile oils role in sarA gene expression in methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) )).

   The study aimed to use an distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in clinical isolate of Staphylococcus aureus and occurrence of virulence factors genes in Staphylococcus aureus. Detection of  biofilm forming  gene in clinical isolate from difference clinical source, evaluation of the relationship between prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors in clinical isolate of Staphylococcus aureus and investigation  of  Staphylococcal  accessory regulator (sarA) and evaluation of the effect of Volatile oil on its expression sarA gene. The study was in three parts, the first part biofilm study, the second part antimicrobial activity and the third part molecular study. The study were very positive in the rates of inhibition the biofilm formation of MRSA by combination volatile oils with some antibiotics

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