A scientific symposium

A scientific symposium


Within the scientific activities of the College of Science, the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College held a scientific symposium on (The Impact of Intellectual Extremism on the Individual and Society) for Prof. Dr. Akram Ubaid Freeh, in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Prof. Dr. Emad Abdul Rihman Muhammad Salih the respected, and a number of faculty members today, Sunday 16 1/222 at Jabir Bin Hayyan Hall.

The symposium included a detailed explanation of the issues of extremism, ideological deviation, terrorism, extremism, and violence. They were and still are of interest to many thinkers, media professionals, socialists and psychologists due to the dangers they pose to the individual and society, and the confrontation has become an urgent matter.

 The symposium also aims at (reading the causes ... and searching for treatment methods) to answer a number of questions, the most important of which are: - What are the connotations carried by the term "intellectual extremism" - "intellectual deviation" - "terrorism" "in the right of the civilized student? What are its causes and manifestations, and what is the role of education in addressing that? The lecturer also touched upon a number of real life examples of intellectual extremism among students, teachers, professionals and politicians, and ways to avoid it and solutions without falling into it.


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