Individual differences

Individual differences

Professor Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Suleiman

He said, "Come to them in the court of downloading after I seek refuge in The Almighty God from the holy satan" and the news of my son Adam was true, because he approached us, so he accepted from one of them and did not accept from the other, he said, "I will kill you, but God accepts from the righteous?

If this difference and difference between two individuals (Abel and Kabil) in the level of mental and psychological abilities and in the levels of understanding, perception, emotion, tolerance, faith, control and so on, how is the situation today and there are billions and even billions of different human beings in the environment, social relations, concepts, colors, languages, etc. It is worth studying and scrutinizing these differences and differences and harnessing these differences in the service of the individual and society in achieving the capabilities of control and control to reach the nominal goal of "science", if the answer is yes, it is necessary to investigate and investigate this and identify the relationships, causes and results.

Individual differences are a word that indicates its meaning and content, which means in its simplest form the differences and differences between individuals and groups and in the individual itself, in the field of sports means the difference of players and their differences in the availability of physical, motor, mental and other abilities, and this is evident when observing individuals in their learning mathematical or motor skill in light of the varying degrees of success and failure they achieve, Creating a mathematical skill or sports game can take a long time for some and a time that may be relatively lower for others. This is due to the interaction of a number of internal factors such as intelligence, tendency, motivation and externality, whose impact on individuals does not occur to a single degree, which shows different and different responses.

In many cases, individuals may be similar, such as thinking, learning, physical and mental abilities, and may be involved in many. However, this similarity and participation does not mean equality and absolute conformity, because the availability of these qualities and abilities varies increasingly and decreasing between individuals quantitatively and qualitatively that can be inferred and measured, such as height, weight, body pattern and all that is ostensibly. Some of them can be measured and inferred except through performance and motor action and through testing and measurement as in the level of intelligence and physical, motor and mental abilities and learning of all kinds and forms. Through competition between individuals, which necessitates the establishment of the principle of equal opportunities and work to guide each individual to the field that corresponds to his abilities and preparations, because the emotion of these differences and ignoring them means harming the individual and society in motivation and treatment - problem solving - guidance, reward and punishment, the type of education and justice in the situation of the right individuals in the appropriate situation of reality and commissions and thus we will reach a protection to prepare and fall in the levels of education, work, performance and direction, The loss of money, effort and time, in the light of the above, individual differences give life a real understanding and meaning through the acquisition of individuals' rights and duties and by the distribution of natural moderation that corresponds to their abilities and potentials and at all levels.

Individual differences, then, are deviations from the average group in different traits, narrowing and widening this deviation or difference according to factors including age, training, practice, food, and learning, but what everyone is concerned about is that it is the genetics and environmental factors that show these individual differences between individuals and groups.

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