The Center's Administrative Council undertakes a number of tasks that represent the Center's research orientations and can be summarized as follows:

1.     Prepare annual research plans within the Center's research lines and establish internal seminars to discuss these plans.

2.     Holding symposiums and seminars to clarify the Center's vision, objectives and research directions.

3.     Preparing manuals and pamphlets for the constructive interaction between the university and society.

4.     To conclude cooperation mechanisms and memorandums of understanding with concerned departments and specialized scientific authorities to enhance the expertise of the Center's staff and to identify their research findings.

5.     Prepare a plan to develop scientific and linguistic research cadres and develop the necessary programs for this purpose.

6.     Investment of the available facilities of the center of laboratories and agricultural area which accounts 15 donum within the concept of productive research center and productive university.

7.  Training courses for human resources to develop their skills for the optimum investment of natural resources in upper Euphrates regions.           

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