Very important (declaration) To the under and post graduate students of primary and higher studies and researchers in Iraqi universities


Very important (declaration) To the under and post graduate students of primary and higher studies and researchers in Iraqi universities

        The data of (rain, temperature, humidity, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, evaporation, solar radiation and other climatic variables) include a modern atmospheric power station with predictability of up to 12 hours, It is noticed that the station gives readings of these variables every half hour, which is very important for researchers and post graduate and under graduate students in the fields of water resources, agriculture and geography.

       The station has already provided a number of researchers with this accurate data at the Center for Renewable Energy Research and researchers from the College of Agriculture, as well as researchers from the College of Literature / Department of Geography, and the station received students from the third stage in the above mentioned department, where students were provided with a detailed explanation of the mechanism of work on it.

          The Center is ready to receive students from the scientific departments specialized in the subject of hydrology and climate and for the stages of under and post graduate studies.

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