

Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed

The University of Anbar - The Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center

The seas and oceans occupy almost three-quarters of our planet's surface area, keeping it warm and ensuring the continuance of life on it, such as the land represented by the continents on which humans dwell, such as the mother who holds her infant baby.

Water has physical and chemical properties that ensure its abundance in the three phases (liquid, solid, and gaseous), ensuring the water cycle in nature in which water suitable for human use is renewed through evaporation of ocean and sea water and then the fall of rain that greens the earth and the humans and animals who live on it, where there is no substance other than water possesses these qualities. The design of the universe is also represented by the geometric form of the Earth and the very precise distances between the Earth and the Sun and between the Earth and the moon ensured the abundant presence of water in the cases of the above-mentioned three substances, Hydrologists predict that a decrease in the distance between the Earth and the Sun (150 million miles) by 10% of what it is will boil with the earth's water and all turn into the gaseous state only, and if that distance increases by the same percentage, the Earth will freeze with it and find no water or clouds.

As for the moon, that beautiful lamp that adorns the sky and sings the Earth, the distance between it and the Earth is calculated accurately to preserve the quality and levels of water, if it increased by 10% the phenomenon of ebb and tides representing the lungs of the seas and oceans that ensure their safety from pollution where pollutants abound and change its taste, colour and wind, the description of water as a poem:

           I found the stagnation of the water spoiling It, if it flows it’s good and if not it’s bad.

The 10% decrease in the distance between the Earth and the moon makes the tidal water flood most of the earth's plains, “Praise for Allah the best creators”.

Water's physical and chemical properties have also made it a measure of many of the standards that people deal with every time.

The water is a measure of temperature. As the 0°C is the degree of its freezing and the 100°C is the degree of boiling, and it is the measure of volumes and weights, as the gram is the cubic centimeter of water.

As all religions and canons required the morality and charity of the mother, this sanctity had to be given to the grace of water, to fight its waste and to rationalize its consumption, as it is life and no life without it.

Water is the origin of every life. Its mismanagement results in drought, starvation and the collapse of civilizations, as happened in the pre-BC Babylon civilization.

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