
Under the patronage of the President of Anbar University, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, the College of Law and Political Science, represented by the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit and the Women’s Empowerment Unit, in cooperation with the Women’s Empowerment Division at Anbar University and the Legal Clinic in cooperation with the Community Police Division of Anbar Governorate, held a workshop entitled (Electronic Blackmail: Its concept, causes, methods, effects, ways to prevent it, and confront it legally) on Tuesday, 11/21/2023, at the Martyr Prof. Dr. Hall. Muhammad Hardan Al-Hiti,


Prof. Dr. Abbas Mufarrej Fahel and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Jaber Fayyad and Eng. Abeer Ali Abdel Aziz and M.M. Nour Qahtan Khalil,

 The workshop was attended by the Dean of the College, assistants, department heads, college teachers and students