Scientific article entitled Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract

Scientific article entitled Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract wafaa tali radef 


Scientific article entitled Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract

Bacterial infection occurs in the digestive system as a result of infection of the stomach or intestines with bacteria, which exposes it to inflammation, and people usually refer to this infection as food poisoning, and therefore eating contaminated food or water leads to infection with these bacteria, which leads to the emergence of many symptoms and signs such as: Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting in addition to nausea, and there are types of infections that occur in the digestive system as a result of infection with various viruses, and in general, people with bacterial infections are advised to drink plenty of fluids to compensate for the shortage caused by diarrhea and vomiting, and the article reviews many topics related to the causes of infection Bacterial infection in the digestive system and methods of treatment  (1)

Causes of bacterial infection in the digestive system

Bacteria are the main cause of gastroenteritis, but the types of these bacteria differ from one person to another, and the cause of infection with one type of bacteria is different from the other, and the following are the causes of bacterial infection

-      Escherichia coli bacteria This type of bacteria can be infected by eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables and fruits.

-      Shigella bacteria _ The presence of these bacteria in unclean water, and can be transmitted by drinking this water or swimming in contaminated water.

-      Staphylococcus and Salmonella: Found in uncooked meat, eggs and dairy products.

-      Yersinia enterocolitica: It is mostly found in undercooked pork.

-      Campylobacter : It is found in milk and undercooked poultry. Therefore, eating food or drinking contaminated water can increase a person’s infection with these types of bacteria, especially when eating food from unclean restaurants or street vendors. Also, touching surfaces contaminated with these bacteria is considered a factor in the disease (1).

Diagnosis of bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract

Doctors rely primarily on the signs and symptoms described by the patient or his family in the case of children, in addition to doing some physical and laboratory tests to ascertain the cause of the infection. Were the symptoms constant or did they start and stop? How severe are these symptoms? Does doing something in particular improve or increase the condition? Does the patient have any signs of dehydration? Has the patient been in contact with other people with the same symptoms? The doctor will also order stool tests to confirm whether the infection is bacterial or caused by infection with a specific virus, in addition to knowing the type of bacteria (2).

Symptoms of bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract

There are many symptoms caused by infection with bacteria in the digestive system, and these symptoms often affect the proportion of fluids in the body, especially in children, so it is recommended to eat quantities of fluids to compensate for the deficiency in the body, and the most prominent of these symptoms are: loss of appetite. Vomiting and nausea. diarrhea. Feeling of abdominal pain and cramps. The appearance of blood in the stool. fever. The doctor should also be consulted if the condition does not improve and the symptoms disappear within five days for adults and two days for children, and the doctor should be consulted if the child who is more than three months old continues to vomit for more than twelve hours, and you should go to the doctor directly when symptoms of diarrhea appear Or vomiting on a child who is no more than three months old . (2)


How to treat bacterial infection in the digestive system

The treatment aims mainly to reduce and reduce dehydration as well as reduce the occurrence of a deficiency of salts and potassium in the body, which leads to more serious complications and problems, so it is recommended to drink fluids in these cases to reduce dehydration, and the most serious cases are admitted to the hospital to receive salt solutions Antibiotics are used only in the case of severe infection, and there are some tips that can be resorted to at home when the infection is not serious, including the following: Commitment to drinking fluids regularly throughout the day, especially after diarrhea occurs. Eat a little food at intervals, and it is recommended to eat some salty foods to compensate for the lack of salt. Eat foods or drinks that contain potassium, such as: fruit juice and bananas. Do not take any medications without consulting your doctor. Going to the hospital in case of inability to conserve body fluids (1).


Prevention of bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract

Infected persons must be careful and careful in dealing with others to reduce the chances of transmitting infection to them, so hands must be washed before and after entering the toilet and before eating, in addition to avoiding preparing food until full recovery from the disease, and uninfected people can also follow some methods To avoid infection, such as washing vegetables and fruits well, in addition to not eating meat or dairy and its derivatives that are not well cooked, and there are some tips that reduce the risk of infection, including the following: Keeping the kitchen clean constantly. Wash hands after using the toilet, before handling different foods, after touching animals, and before eating. Drink bottled water while traveling abroad and get the necessary vaccinations before traveling (2).


Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). (2011). Performance standards for Antimicrobial Disks Susceptibility tests.Vol.31 No.1 Jan.

Collee, J. G.; Fraser, AG; Marmiom, BP; and Simmon, A. (1996). Mackie and McCarteny, Practical Medical Microbiology. 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone inc., USA.




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