Academic article titled The Seventeen sustainable development goals

Academic article titled The Seventeen sustainable development goals





Dr. Enas  Mohammed Saleh 

Al- Anbar University / College of Education for Women / Geography Department


Academic article titled

The Seventeen sustainable development goals

 " the desired goal "

Preamble :

Under the umbrella of these seventeen goals broad social , economic and environmental issue that include 169 goals , most prominent of which is poverty , hungry , education , health , equality , climate ,water , environment and others . as formulated by the united  nations in 2015 and the Governornments  of countries adopted the implementation of these goals until 2030 , although they did not acquire the mandatory status , but the serious pursuit of these governments and the adoption of follow – up  made them enter into the heart of their policies and population policy including . these  seventeen goals according to their official global ranking , are as follows  :

1 – Eradicate poverty 

2 – zero hungry

3 – good health and well – being

4 – good education

5 – Gender equality

6 – clean water and hygiene

7 – clean and affordable energy

8 – Decent work and economic growth

9 – Industry , innovation and infrastructure

10 – Reducing inequality

11 – sustainable cities and communities

12 – Responsible consumption and  production 

13 – climate action

14 – Life under water

15 – Life in the wilderness

16 – Peace , Justice and strong institution

17 – partnership to achieve goals

There are only eight years left from 2030 ( the year of transformation of our world ) . so have  governments fulfilled their obligations towards achieving these goals ? or will surprises ( such as covid 19 )  conflicts ( such as the Russian – Ukrainian war )  and other unforeseen events delay the achievement of the desired transformation of our world ?


Iraq's commitments towards the sustainable development goals

The government of Iraq has taken an integrated set of measures that confirm its seriousness in achieving the goals of sustainable development since  2016  until the present time . the ministry of planning implementation and follow up of all procedures that lead to achieving  these goals up to 2030 , and represents the role of the government of Iraq through of three main by the following :

1 – Local measures and procedures

2 – national  measures and procedures

3 – International  measures and procedures

The government of Iraq emphasized that the most successful way to achieve the sustainable development goals is to strengthen the interconnected relationship and consolidated trust between the state and the citizen through the  availability of opportunities for self – development , work , income earning , development economic and others .

Table (1) shows Iraq's path towards achieving the sustainable development goals for the period 2017 – 2020  .



Table (1) Iraq's path towards achieving the sustainable development goals

The year





Goal achievement rate





Iraq's rank





Number of countries






The shape (1) shows Iraq's the sustainable development Goal achievement rate


Resources :

1 – the republic of Iraq , the ministry of planning , the national commission for sustainable development . the first voluntary report to verify the sustainable development  , Baghdad , 2019 ,

2 – the republic of Iraq , the ministry of planning , the national commission for sustainable development . the second  voluntary report to verify the sustainable development  , Baghdad , July  , 2021 , p 12 .  

3 – Dr . Hussein Abdullah Ahmed , indictors of the  sustainable development goal in Iraq for the period 2016 - 2020  , Al – Bayan center for studies and planning , Baghdad, 2021 , p 3 .

4 – Dr . Labnan Hatef shami , Dr . Esraa Nouri , the reality of the  sustainable development  in Iraq: Obstacles and  challenges , journal of Baghdad economical scenes university , special issue of the eight scientific

conference , 2019 , p 249 .            

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