The College of Basic/Haditha Education is organizing an awareness seminar on the importance of education for women in society.

The College of Basic/Haditha Education is organizing an awareness seminar on the importance of education for women in society.

In response to the slogan announced by the presidency of Anbar University, "Knowledge is a right for everyone," the Scientific Affairs Unit and the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit in our college organized an informative guidance seminar this Wednesday morning, 20/3/2024, titled "Diagnosing the obstacles and challenges facing females in accessing education and its social implications" in the conference hall.

The seminar began with Dr. Ahmed Jumaa Mahmoud welcoming all attendees and then delivering his lecture in which he discussed that "knowledge is a duty for every Muslim, as it enlightens the mind and guides to the truth and righteousness, clarifying that the laws and Islamic Sharia in the world do not prevent women from seeking knowledge." Then, Dr. Mudhir Abed Ali gave his lecture in which he addressed "some negative customs in society that prevent females from studying and accessing education, which is a legitimate right for every human being, explaining some backward traditions that do not align with religion as women are not half of society but the whole society, as they are mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters."

In conclusion, a discussion and feedback session was opened for the attendees, where professors spoke about the importance of this topic and the necessity of emphasizing it through intensifying seminars to confront this negative phenomenon. Some female students expressed their appreciation for the topics presented by the lecturers. Therefore, the college extends its thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed and participated in this blessed guidance seminar, asking Allah to grant success to all.


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