د.عبدالله عايد المعضادي

د.عبدالله عايد المعضادي


تعلم اللغة بمساعدة الهاتف المحمول

Mobile Assisted Language Learning 

د.عبدالله عايد المعضادي

E-mail: abdulla.ayed@uoanbar.edu.iq

الصفحة الرسمية للكاتب 

         Mobile assisted language learning is referred to as (MALL) which is a sub-area of the field of mobile learning (m-Learning) research which is currently attracts the attention of scholars. The mobile technology are used in different aspects of language learning supporting the hypothesis that mobile technology can enhance learners’ second and foreign language learning. In terms of the linguistic knowledge gained by users, MALL is effective in the acquisition and improvement of learners’ vocabulary, listening and speaking skills, and language acquisition in more general terms.


            Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has developed over the past decade as a complicated field within its own right, with an increasing number of articles that examine various mobile devices used in environments both inside and outside of formal language learning situations. MALL has been defined as the use of “mobile technologies in language learning, especially in situations where device portability offers specific advantages” (Kukulska-Hulme, 2013).


            MALL includes devices ranging from MP3/MP4 players, smart phones, laptop and tablet computers. There has been a surprisingly large amount of research published over the past two decades that has seen the field develop along with the enormous steps forward that have taken place in mobile technologies.


            The main characteristics of mobile learning (m-learning) are recognized as the potential for learning process to be personalized, spontaneous, informal and ubiquitous. The learners feel a greater sense of freedom of time and place, so that they can take the advantage of spare time to learn a second language when and where they are. In contrast to classroom learning, in MALL there is no need for the learners to sit in a classroom or at a computer to get learning materials. In fact, MALL can be considered an ideal solution to language learning barriers in terms of time and place.

Keywords: Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Mobile Learning, Mobile Technology.  



Miangah, T. M., & Nezarat, A. (2020). Mobile-assisted language learning. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, 3(1), 309.


Stockwell, G., & Hubbard, P. (2018). Some emerging principles for mobile-assisted language learning. The International Research Foundation for English Language Education, 2013, 1-15.

Viberg & Grönlund (2019): Mobile assisted language learning: A literature review. In 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning.