The College of Education is alkaam a scientific symposium under the patronage and attendance of Dr. Khaled Batal, the star of the University of Anbar and with the participation of Drraad fajar .

The College of Education is alkaam a scientific symposium under the patronage and attendance of Dr. Khaled Batal, the star of the University of Anbar and with the participation of Drraad fajar .

 Faculty of Education based scientific symposium

Under the patronage and attendance of Dr. Khalid Batal, the star of the University of Anbar, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hammad Nawaf Farhan Dean of the Faculty of Education / Qaim,
"The role of Shari'a in the maintenance of the security and stability of societies" was held at the Naji Tawfiq Conference Hall at the University of Al-Anbar in its alternative location in Baghdad (Abu Ghraib). The fourth topic was entitled "The Impact of Criminal Laws on Securing the Security and Stability of Communities". Thunder dawn light

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