Participation of Al-Anbar medical college in Basrah Conference

Participation of Al-Anbar medical college in Basrah Conference

 Medical delegation from the Faculty of Medicine of Anbar  University participate in the first Basra International Conference held in  Basra, from March 17 until March 20, 2016 

 Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammad Tafsh / specialist Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery delivered a  talk in the Conference about hydatid cycts in the heart , rare cases. It is a joint research with Assistant Professor Dr. Saad Mekhlef / specialist Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

  Also Dr. Bassam Maddah / specialist Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery delivered a  talk in the Conference about Cases of haemorrhage after open heart surgeries with the use of the  warfarin drug .

It was a significant presence by professors of  Anbar Medical College departement of  surgery.


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