Vision, Mission and Objectives



 Enriching the geographical environment by upgrading the academic and research level to keep pace with scientific progress, and graduating highly qualified cadres to meet the needs of the labor market.


Keeping pace with scientific progress in addressing natural and human problems facing humanity in order to achieve quality and excellence in education, scientific research and community service.




1. Linking geographical curricula to the actual needs of the labor market in the present and the future, in a way that will benefit society in its various fields.


2. Developing the student's abilities to know, understand and apply modern scientific curricula and master the basic skills to continue teaching himself by himself.


3. Paying attention to the field and applied scientific aspect in geographical study, describing the land as the virgin field of geography.


4. Preparing a professionally qualified academic generation that can contribute to the comprehensive national development process that society needs.


5. Opening  to competent and specialized staff to ensure outstanding professional performance.


6. Developing the capabilities of graduate students, raising their scientific and   research efficiency, and encouraging them to think and analyze.

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