The College of Education for Pure Sciences signs a memorandum of scientific cooperation with the University College of Al-Salaam

The College of Education for Pure Sciences signs a memorandum of scientific cooperation with the University College of Al-Salaam

  The College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Anbar signs a memorandum of scientific cooperation with the University College of Al-Salaam

To enhance frameworks of cooperation in building and developing society and its service, building bridges, establishing scientific and human bonds, scientific and cultural dialogue, and exchanging scientific experiences. And in response to the desire and interest of the college represented by the respected Dean of the College, Prof. ((Abdul Rahman Salman Jumaa)) and the University College of Al-Salaam represented by the respected Dean of the College, Prof. ((Hadi Tarish Zaboon)).In strengthening and deepening scientific and cultural relations and jointly benefiting from the financial capabilities and academic expertise of the two colleges, a memorandum of cooperation and understanding mechanism was signed between the two colleges in the fields of education, scientific, applied and joint academic research, as well as exchanging experiences, conducting joint research and many other important matters that are in the interest of both parties. While the respected Prof. Dr. ((Rahman Salman Jumaa)) extended his thanks and gratitude to the Dean of the University College of Al-Salaam for their kind reception, wishing them more progress, creativity and giving in the service of our dearest country.







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