Representative of IEEE and the head of its branch in Iraq visit our College

Representative of IEEE and the head of its branch in Iraq visit our College

 Representative of IEEE and the head of its branch in Iraq visit our College

The College of Education for Pure Sciences at Anbar University received the representative of the IEEE Foundation and the head of its branch in Iraq to watch the basic requirements for the convening of the First International Conference on Physics and Mathematics to be held next October in the College of Education for Pure Sciences, in order to find out the college’s preparations for holding the conference, and they were received by the Dean of the College, honorable  Prof. Dr. ((Abdul Rahman Salman Jumaa)) The heads of the scientific departments and the heads of the scientific committees in the college attended the visit ceremonies, and the committee was briefed on the college’s infrastructure and its suitability for holding this great scientific carnival and inspected the halls designated for holding the conference.The committee also briefed the faculty staff with academic headings. The Scientific Committee also recommended emphasizing the issue of scientific research that is submitted to the conference, as it must be firm research of high scientific value and subject to the constricted scientific evaluation. The Committee also commended the college's preparations to hold the First International Conference on Physics and Mathematics..



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