The President of the University inspects the manner of final exams for postgraduate students

The President of the University inspects the manner of final exams for postgraduate students

The President of the University inspects the manner of final exams for postgraduate students

The President of the University of Anbar, honorable  Prof. Dr. ((Mushtaq Taleb Al-Nada)) inspected the progress of the final exams for the second semester for postgraduate students in the college, and was received by the Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, the honorable  Prof. Dr. (Abdul Rahman Salman Juma), where he was briefed on the quality of the questions and the procedures taken and creating the appropriate environment  for optimal performance. During the visit, His Excellency stressed the need to follow to the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the directives of the university presidency, praising the role of the teaching and administrative staff and the examination committee for their efforts and measures taken to overcome difficulties for the success of the examination process.


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