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Future Petrol


Future Petrol


Future Petrol

Technology accelerates, and the programs and services offered by computers and smart devices develop. These devices and programs are fed with effective fuel necessary for the continuity of their work and development, and this fuel is 'the data'. Where many researchers consider that data is the new energy and fuel for this century, and it is who leads industrial and commercial development.


Data sources

Many people believe that social media provides its services for free. But in fact, it is not free. The price that we provide in return is personal data, and this data is the engine, and the main supporter of these companies.

All activities carried out by the user of these sites and applications are data for this user. These companies can analyze the activity, interests and needs of the individual, and in light of these data, companies target these individuals through ads that suit their desires. This data can also be used to direct the views of the masses to a specific goal, as happened in the US elections, as some candidates were able to direct the views of the voters by analyzing the collected data. From this standpoint, we clearly see the importance and danger of data at the present time.

Companies work to process data and then this data is analyzed using artificial intelligence algorithms to obtain conclusions. These conclusions show the interests of the individual, the things he/she does not want or the social issues that they sympathize with, and other life matters that are in the interest of commercial companies or governments. Where governments can use these data to direct public opinion to a specific issue, or other things that may help in controlling society.

Oil was the leader and engine of the modern industrial revolution. Currently, data is the oil of the artificial intelligence revolution, which many scientists believe will change the reality in many areas. This field, which develops at a tremendous speed, which led to the creation of new job opportunities, on the other side, led to the extinction of many jobs.


Positive side

There is no doubt that the data that technical companies collecting represents a great danger to the individual and society. On the other hand, there are data that can be used to develop very important medical applications, such as cancer detection applications. The data has become an urgent necessity in the medical aspect in order to develop algorithms that participate in detecting and diagnosing many diseases. Also, biometric data that allows the work of safety and privacy applications can be used, such as using a fingerprint or iris. Another type of data collected through observation such as weather data, it is very useful and used to produce meteorological prediction applications.



Data is a large world, data can be used in many commercial, medical and social fields. It can also be used in the political field and directing public opinion of society. Most companies try to collect the largest amount of data in order to benefit from them in their activities, or sell these data to other companies. We cannot cover all aspects of this important topic during this article, but every person should be careful in the information and personal data it provides, and research interests, etc., perhaps this data is used to influence his future options.

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