Visit of the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs

Visit of the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs


Visit of the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs
TheCollege of Agriculture was honored on Monday, 27/11/2017, by visiting the scientific assistant Professor Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Nada. The visit lasted several hours, during which he briefed and attended a detailed examination of four PhD students in addition to a Master's student in Agricultural Economics Department.
 He also conveyed the greetings and greetings of the Honorable President of the University to more than ten professors and researchers from various universities and research institutions who contribute to these scientific activities as well as to the teaching and staff of the College.
 On behalf of the cadre of the Faculty, we extend our thanks and appreciation to the Assistant Scientific Assistant for this visit which took a long time ...
We ask God to reconcile our dear university
Faculty of Agriculture - Anbar University

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