Postgraduate degrees.

Postgraduate degrees.


Postgraduate degrees.
Held public discussion of the doctoral student (Ahmed  Ejeyad Ali Fahdawi) student in the College of Agriculture / University of Anbar his thesis tagged.(The effect of duration of storage and grain size and breed in the growth and yield and quality of maize, Zea mays L) at the College of Agriculture at the alternative site in Baghdad /Abu Ghraib)
 The Committee comprised of professors discussion:
1. Prof. Bashir Hamad Abdullah Al - Anbar University / president.
2. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Msrepett - Anbar University / members.
3. Prof. Sam owner David - Diyala University / members.
 4. Prof. Dr. Hakeem Saddam horses - Baghdad University / members.
5. Prof. Dr. Nihad Mohammed Aboud - Anbar University / members.
6. Dr. Mohammad O. Ghadeer al-Obeidi - Anbar University / member and supervisor.
 After extensive discussion by the members of the discussion to the subject of the thesis was to accept the thesis with honors. . . Congratulations and best wishes to complete the journey Bmofiqih scientific.


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