The College of Medicine Council holds its second session for the academic year 2023-2024

The College of Medicine Council holds its second session for the academic year 2023-2024

 The College of Medicine Council holds its third session for the academic year 2023-2024

The Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Walid Nassar Jaffal, chaired the second session of the 2023-2024 academic year of the College Council, in the presence of ladies and gentlemen members, at exactly nine o’clock in the morning on Sunday 11/26/2023.
The council hosted the Director of Ramadi Teaching Hospital, Dr. Amer Jihad, and ways of developing clinical training for students and equipping the hospital’s classrooms with the latest audio-visual educational means were discussed.
Ways of academic cooperation were also discussed between college professors and specialist doctors in the hospital to develop educational methods for students
Student Nassim Jazaa, the student representative, was also hosted to get closer to the students’ scientific and social reality to help them overcome their problems and tribulations.
And dedicating guidance groups in the form of committees composed of teaching staff whose mission is to approach the students’ psychological and social reality. At the conclusion of the council, the instructions of the Dean were written down by the members regarding the mechanism of quarterly examinations, bringing first-stage students closer to the medical academic system, and opening the doors of the branches to receive them and hear their complaints. Found

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